the tribe was a random apocalyptic teen drama tv show from new zealand that used to come on this weird channel, and somehow i became OBSESSED with it. when there were marathons of it i wouldn't move all day, and i entered contests on the tribe website and i won twice. i won some temporary tattoos and even a signed picture of lex! woohoo! i think it's because there weren't many people entering the contests... anyways i was so into this show that i ordered their cd from the website and it was horrible. but i forced myself to like it in some strange way. here are three of their music videos - 'abe messiah' is the theme song that has a freaky lion king-ish vibe to it. 'this is the place' was the song that would always play in the background on the show when the characters were sad or went to a dance or something. love the synchronized dance moves on top of the mountain. and i saved the best for last - 'you belong to me' takes the tribe members on a bizarro adventure to cheestastic tropical paradise. i don't even know what dimension this video belongs in. p.s. - yes, i know the words to all these songs.
NO! mahahaha. it's horrible. it was huge here in Norway xD
thankfully no one knows about this show in america except for me so i can be the #1 usa superfan!!
Hey! Matthew Voss . payday loans
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