top one is a polish supergroup that has absolutely horrible music videos. which is why i love them. 'santa maria' starts off with a catchy beat, flashing lights, and robotic eastern european disco dance moves. add in some backup dancers with belly shirts and you're good to go. 'mila moja' features some more belly baring dancers, but this time they appear on tv screens behind the singer's strangely vacant face. all that dude's charisma comes from his bowl cut. lastly is a black and white video from top one's early career called 'zaopiekuj sie mna.' the parts with the shirtless beefy dreamboat in the leather jacket and floral pajama pants is i think my FAVORITE DANCE SEQUENCE EVER. this one's going in all time faves.
Nooo!! what happened to your pictures? :(
they are coming back on thursday! little glitch with photobucket
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