

 photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91454PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91504PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91547PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91629PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91726PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91742PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91915PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at91931PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at92026PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at92132PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at92144PM.png  photo ScreenShot2013-05-25at92210PM.png
'sexy can i' was my fave ray j jam, and now 'i hit it first' is on heavy rotation in my zone. i started checkin out his vids and this one for 'formal invite' is so black light/island vaca/underwater party energy im so into it! i wanna take an elevator down into sik party in an underwater crib! maybe if i use the secret enough i can make it happen.....

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