so today in between doing a gazillion loads of laundry i watched a marathon of the original 'LAND OF THE LOST' series that aired in the 70s. my fave character is enik, the creature that wears a magical metallic top and lives in a cave lair with lots of crystals. i think i watched like 20 episodes, including one where the dad gets shocked by crystals. its so hilar, i love the part when he gets shocked. just watch to the end, it is totes worth it.
bonus: clip of will singing. i didnt see this episode but i wish i did! he's kind of like a combo between david cassidy and greg brady.
LOTL is bitchin. It was my favorite as a kid. In fact, my email address is "enochsleestack". It's Mike Gonzales, btw.
hey mike! i remember watching the 90s version but i like the original even better. i watched a marathon of the second season on tv today again.
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