'candyman messiah' by army of lovers is so sugary demented hilar - i feel like i will randomly spurt out the words while cleaning my room or something. you gotta love the hair diversity in this group - long dark and luscious and short curly and radioactive orange with a bonus moustache. notice the gentle walking style of the guy in purple and the more jaunty, shoulder bopping style of the orange haired dude. the only reason i included the 'obsession' video was because that part at the beginning when the one guy is in a clown outfit and stuck to the wall keeps opening his mouth on like every beat is HILAR! like really, who came up with that concept and was like, i think that's a great idea, let's have him open his mouth every two seconds and act like a marionette? i guess a lot of bizarre ideas were combined to create army of lovers so it's not that random.
first of all, obsession is addicting...
second, he looks like he did some meth back in the day in your first pic... look at those cheeks! yuck! he is def creepy
army of creepsters
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